Package 'ipmr'

Title: Integral Projection Models
Description: Flexibly implements Integral Projection Models using a mathematical(ish) syntax. This package will not help with the vital rate modeling process, but will help convert those regression models into an IPM. 'ipmr' handles density dependence and environmental stochasticity, with a couple of options for implementing the latter. In addition, provides functions to avoid unintentional eviction of individuals from models. Additionally, provides model diagnostic tools, plotting functionality, stochastic/deterministic simulations, and analysis tools. Integral projection models are described in depth by Easterling et al. (2000) <doi:10.1890/0012-9658(2000)081[0694:SSSAAN]2.0.CO;2>, Merow et al. (2013) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12146>, Rees et al. (2014) <doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12178>, and Metcalf et al. (2015) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12405>. Williams et al. (2012) <doi:10.1890/11-2147.1> discuss the problem of unintentional eviction.
Authors: Sam Levin [aut, cre] , Aldo Compagnoni [aut], Dylan Childs [aut], Sanne Evers [aut], Roberto Salguero-Gomez [aut], Tiffany Knight [aut], Eric Scott [ctb]
Maintainer: Sam Levin <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.0.7
Built: 2025-03-01 06:23:41 UTC

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Raise a matrix to a power


Raises a matrix x to the y-th power. x ^ y computes element wise powers, whereas this computes y - 1 matrix multiplications. mat_power(x, y) is identical to x %^% y.


x %^% y

mat_power(x, y)



A numeric or integer matrix.


An integer.


A matrix.

Convert to bare matrices


Converts objects to c("matrix", "array").


## S3 method for class 'ipmr_matrix'
as.matrix(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ipmr_ipm'
as.matrix(x, ...)



An object of class ipmr_matrix, or the output from make_ipm.




A matrix.

Extract threshold based population size information


Given a model object, this function computes population sizes given thresholds for a state variable of interest. For example, the number (or proportion) of individuals shorter than 60 cm tall at the 20th time step of the model.


collapse_pop_state(ipm, time_step, ...)



An object created by make_ipm


the time step to pull out. Can be a single time step or a vector of multiple time steps. In the latter case, one value is computed for each time step.


Named expressions that provide the threshold information for the desired classes. The expression should be logicals with a state variable name on the left side, and a threshold value on the right side.


A named list of numeric vectors containing the summed population sizes at each requested time step. Names are taken from ....



# Rebuild the model and return_main_env this time

gen_di_det_ex <- gen_di_det_ex$proto_ipm %>%
  make_ipm(iterate = TRUE, iterations = 50, return_main_env = TRUE)

disc_sizes <- collapse_pop_state(gen_di_det_ex,
                                 time_step = 20:25,
                                 seedlings = ht <= 10,
                                 NRA = ht > 10 & ht <= 200,
                                 RA = ht > 200)

Helpers for IPM construction


Helpers for IPM construction


define_impl(proto_ipm, kernel_impl_list)

make_impl_args_list(kernel_names, int_rule, state_start, state_end)

define_domains(proto_ipm, ...)

define_pop_state(proto_ipm, ..., pop_vectors = list())

define_env_state(proto_ipm, ..., data_list = list())

  pad_low = NULL,
  pad_high = NULL,
  normalize = TRUE,
  na.rm = TRUE



The name of the model.


A named list. Names correspond to kernel names. Each kernel should have 3 slots defined - the int_rule (integration rule), the state_start (the domain the kernel begins on), and the state_end (the domain the kernel ends on). For more complicated models, it is usually safest to use make_impl_args_list to generate this.


A character vector with the names of the kernels that parameters are being defined for.


The integration rule to be used for the kernel. The default is "midpoint". "b2b" (bin to bin) and "cdf" (cumulative density functions) will be implemented as well.


The name of the state variable for the kernel that the kernel acts on at time t.


The name of the state variable that the kernel produces at time t+1.


Named expressions. See Details for more information on their usage in each define_* function.


If the population vectors are already pre-defined (i.e. are not defined by a function passed to ...), then they can be passed as a named list here.


A list of named values that contain data used in the expressions in ... in define_env_state().


A numeric vector of trait values.


The number of meshpoints to use when integrating the trait distribution.


The amount to pad the smallest value by, expressed as a proportion. For example, 0.8 would shrink the smallest value by 20%.


The amount to pad the largest value by, expressed as a proportion. For example, 1.2 would increase the largest value by 20%.


A logical indicating whether to normalize the result to sum to 1.


A logical indicating whether to remove NAs from trait_distrib. If FALSE and trait_values contains NAs, returns a NA with a warning


These are helper functions to define IPMs. They are used after defining the kernels, but before calling make_ipm() They are meant to be called in the following order:

  1. define_impl()

  2. define_domains()

  3. define_pop_state()

  4. define_env_state()

The order requirement is so that information is correctly matched to each kernel. Below are specific details on the way each works.


This has two arguments - proto_ipm (the model object you wish to work with), and the kernel_impl_list. The format of the kernel_impl_list is: names of the list should be kernel names, and each kernel should have 3 entries: int_rule, state_start, and state_end. See examples.


If the int_rule = "midpoint", the ... entries are vectors of length 3 where the name corresponds to the state variable, the first entry is the lower bound of the domain, the second is the upper bound of the domain, and the third entry is the number of meshpoints. Other int_rules are not yet implemented, so for now this is the only format they can take. See examples.


This takes either calls to functions in the ..., or a pre-generated list of vectors in the pop_vectors. The names used for each entry in ... and/or for the pop_vectors should be n_<state_variable>. See examples.


Takes expressions that generate values for environmental covariates at each iteration of the model in .... The data_list should contain any parameters that the function uses, as well as the function itself. The functions should return named lists. Names in that list can be referenced in vital rate expressions and/or kernel formulas.


This takes a numeric vector of a trait distribution and computes the relative frequency of trait values. By default, it integrates the kernel density estimate of the trait using the midpoint rule with n_mesh mesh points. This is helpful for creating an initial population state vector that corresponds to an observed trait distribution.


All define_* functions return a proto_ipm. make_impl_args_list returns a list, and so must be used within a call to define_impl or before initiating the model creation procedure.


# Example with kernels named "P" and "F", and a domain "z"

kernel_impl_list <- list(P = list(int_rule = "midpoint",
                                  state_start = "z",
                                  state_end = "z"),
                         F = list(int_rule = "midpoint",
                                  state_start = "z",
                                  state_end = "z"))

# an equivalent version using make_impl_args_list

kernel_impl_list <- make_impl_args_list(
     kernel_names = c("P", "F"),
     int_rule     = c("midpoint", "midpoint"),
     state_start  = c("z", "z"),
     state_end    = c("z", "z")


proto_ipm <- sim_di_det_ex$proto_ipm

# define_domains

lower_bound <- 1
upper_bound <- 100
n_meshpoints <- 50

define_domains(proto_ipm, c(lower_bound, upper_bound, n_meshpoints))

# define_pop_state with a state variable named "z". Note that "n_" is prefixed
# to denote that it is a population state function!

define_pop_state(proto_ipm, n_z = runif(100))

# alternative, we can make a list before starting to make the IPM

pop_vecs <- list(n_z = runif(100))

define_pop_state(proto_ipm, pop_vectors = pop_vecs)

# define_env_state. Generates a random draw from a known distribution
# of temperatures.

env_sampler <- function(env_pars) {

  temp <- rnorm(1, env_pars$temp_mean, env_pars$temp_sd)

  return(list(temp = temp))


env_pars <- list(temp_mean = 12, temp_sd = 2)

 env_values = env_sampler(env_pars),
 data_list  = list(env_sampler = env_sampler,
                   env_pars    = env_pars)



z <- c(iceplant_ex$log_size, iceplant_ex$log_size_next)

pop_vecs <- discretize_pop_vector(z,
                                  n_mesh = 100,
                                  pad_low = 1.2,
                                  pad_high = 1.2)

Functions to initialize and define IPM kernels


Adds a new kernel to the proto_ipm structure.


  data_list = list(),
  uses_par_sets = FALSE,
  par_set_indices = list(),
  age_indices = list(),
  evict_cor = FALSE,
  evict_fun = NULL,
  integrate = TRUE



The name of the model.


The name of the new kernel.


A bare expression specifying the form of the kernel.


The type of kernel. Options are "CC" for continuous to continuous transitions, "DC" for discrete to continuous (e.g. emergence from a seedbank), "CD" for continuous to discrete (e.g. entering a seedbank), and "DD" for discrete to discrete (e.g. stasis in a seedbank).


A set of named expressions that correspond to vital rates in formula. Parameter set index syntax is supported.


A list of named values that correspond to constants in the formula and vital rate expressions in ....


A list with character vector containing the names of each state variable used in the kernel.


A logical indicating whether or not the parameters in the kernel and/or its underlying vital rates are derived from sets. See the introduction vignette for this feature for more details (vignettes(ipmr-introduction', package = 'ipmr')}, and \code{vignettes( index-notation', package = 'ipmr')).


A named list with vectors corresponding to the values the index variable can take. The names should match the suffixes used in the vital rate expressions.


If init_ipm(uses_age = TRUE), a list with possibly 2 entries: 1. "age": the range of possible ages in the model and, optionally, 2. "max_age": the maximum age individuals in the model can attain. Otherwise, not used.


A logical indicating whether an eviction correction should be applied to the kernel.


If evict_cor = TRUE, then a function that corrects for it. Currently, only truncated_distributions and discrete_extrema are possible.


For simple_* models, this controls whether a "d_z" is automatically appended to the formula argument. When TRUE, this automatically generates formula * d_z. There may be some cases where this behavior is not desirable. Set this to FALSE and specify the correct form if needed. The default is TRUE. This argument is ignored for all general_* models.


Different classes of IPMs may have many or only a few kernels. Each one requires its own call to define_kernel, though there are some exceptions, namely for kernels derived for models derived from parameter sets (e.g. vital rate models fit across plots and years).

A much more complete overview of how to generate kernels is provided in vignette("ipmr-introduction", "ipmr").


A proto_ipm.

Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects


Functions that access slots of a *_ipm (including proto_ipm). default methods correspond to *_ipm objects.



## S3 method for class 'proto_ipm'

## Default S3 method:


## S3 method for class 'proto_ipm'

## Default S3 method:


## S3 method for class 'ipmr_ipm'

vital_rate_exprs(object, kernel, vital_rate) <- value

## S3 replacement method for class 'proto_ipm'
vital_rate_exprs(object, kernel, vital_rate) <- value



## S3 method for class 'proto_ipm'

## Default S3 method:

kernel_formulae(object, kernel) <- value

## S3 replacement method for class 'proto_ipm'
kernel_formulae(object, kernel) <- value


## S3 method for class 'proto_ipm'

## Default S3 method:

parameters(object, ...) <- value

## S3 replacement method for class 'proto_ipm'
parameters(object, ...) <- value

int_mesh(ipm, full_mesh = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'ipmr_ipm'
int_mesh(ipm, full_mesh = TRUE)


## S3 method for class 'proto_ipm'

## Default S3 method:



A proto_ipm or object created by make_ipm().


An object created by make_ipm(). This argument only applies to int_mesh() and vital_rate_funs() (because these quantities don't exist until make_ipm() is called).


The name of the kernel to insert the new vital rate expression into.


The name of the vital rate to replace. If the vital rate doesn't already exist in the object, a new one with this name will be created.


For parameters<-, a named list of new parameters. The new list does not need to contain all of the parameters, just the ones to update/append. For vital_rate_exprs<- and kernel_formulae<-, a new functional form. The new functional form must be wrapped in a call to new_fun_form.


An expression representing the new vital rate or kernel formula to insert.


Additional arguments used in RPadrino methods.


Return the full integration mesh? Default is TRUE. FALSE returns only unique values for each state variable.


The *.default method corresponds to output from make_ipm(), and the *.proto_ipm methods correspond to outputs from define_*.

When using kernel_formulae<- and vital_rates_exprs<-, the right hand side of the expression must be wrapped in new_fun_form. See examples.

Note that when using vital_rate_funs, unless the vital rate expression explicitly contains an expression for integration, these functions are not yet integrated! This is useful for things like sensitivity and elasticity analysis, but care must be taken to not use these values incorrectly.


Depending on the class of object, a list with types numeric or character.



proto <- gen_di_det_ex$proto_ipm

# Create a new, iterated IPM
new_ipm <- make_ipm(proto, iterate = TRUE,
                    iterations = 100, return_all_envs = TRUE)



# Usage is the same for proto_ipm's as *_ipm's




# Setting new parameters, vital rate expressions, and kernel formulae
# only works on proto_ipm's.

# This replaces the "g_int" parameter and leaves the rest untouched

parameters(proto) <- list(g_int = 1.5)

# This creates a new g_z parameter and leaves the rest of parameters untouched
parameters(proto) <- list(g_z = 2.2)

# setting a new vital rate or kernel expression requires wrapping the
# right-hand side in a call to new_fun_form(). new_fun_form uses expressions
# with the same format as ... in define_kernel()

                 kernel = "P",
                 vital_rate = "g_mu") <- new_fun_form(g_int + g_z + g_slope * ht_1)

kernel_formulae(proto, kernel = "stay_discrete") <- new_fun_form(g_z * d_ht)

Create iteration kernels from an IPM object


Creates iteration kernels for IPMs. ipmr does not create these to iterate models, but they may be useful for further analyses.


format_mega_kernel(ipm, ...)

## Default S3 method:
format_mega_kernel(ipm, mega_mat, ...)

## S3 method for class 'age_x_size_ipm'
format_mega_kernel(ipm, name_ps, f_forms, ...)

make_iter_kernel(ipm, ..., name_ps, f_forms)



Output from make_ipm.


Other arguments passed to methods.


A vector with symbols, I's, and/or 0s representing the matrix blocks. They should be specified in ROW MAJOR order! Can also be a character string specifying the call. Parameter set index syntax is supported. When used, format_mega_kernel will produce as many mega-matrices as there are combinations of par_set_indices in the proto_ipm.


The prefix(es) for the kernel name that correspond to survival and growth/maturation of existing individuals. For the model K = P_age + F_age, this would be "P". Only applies to age X size models. The "_age" suffix is appended automatically, so does not need to be supplied.


The names of the kernels that correspond to production of new individuals, and possibly, how they are combined. For example, a model that includes sexual (with an "F" kernel) and asexual reproduction (with a "C" kernel), this would be "F + C". If data come from multiple sites or years, then this information is supplied using the index syntax (i.e. f_forms = "F_yr + C_yr"). Only applies to age X size models. The "_age" index is appended automatically, so does not need to be supplied.


ipmr does not generate complete iteration kernels, and uses sub-kernels to iterate models. However, some further analyses are just easier to code with a complete iteration kernel. This handles constructing those for simple and general models of all forms. format_mega_kernel is used internally by make_iter_kernel for general IPMs. The difference between these two functions is that make_iter_kernel always returns a list of objects with c(ipmr_matrix, array, matrix) classes, whereas format_mega_kernel always returns a list of objects with c(array, matrix) classes. The former has plot() methods while the latter does not.

I and 0 represent identity matrices and 0 matrices, respectively. They can be used to fill in blocks that represent either, without having to create those separately and append them to the model object. The function will work out the correct dimensions for both internally, and there is no restriction on the number that may be used in a given call.

For age_size_ipms, the correct form of mega_mat is generated internally by creating sub-diagonal matrices for the name_ps kernels, and a top row using the f_forms. If parameter set indices are part of the model, the indices should be attached to the name_ps, f_forms in the function arguments, and the correct block matrices will be generated internally.


A list containing a large matrix or many large matrices (when used with suffix syntax). The names in the former case will be "mega_matrix" and in the latter case, "mega_matrix_<par_sets>" with the levels of the grouping effects substituted in.



big_k <- make_iter_kernel(gen_di_det_ex,
                            mega_mat = c(0, go_discrete,
                                         leave_discrete, P))

char_call <- c(0, "go_discrete", "leave_discrete", "P")

big_k_c <- make_iter_kernel(gen_di_det_ex, mega_mat = char_call)

# Now, with an Identity matrix instead of a 0

big_k <- make_iter_kernel(gen_di_det_ex,
                            mega_mat = c(I, go_discrete,
                                         leave_discrete, P))

# For simple IPMs with no grouping effects, this computes the sum of
# the sub-kernels (i.e. K = P + F)


simple_k <- make_iter_kernel(sim_di_det_ex)

A general deterministic IPM example


A general deterministic IPM example




A general deterministic IPM with the following slots:


The computed sub-kernels for the model, named P, go_discrete, stay_discrete, and leave_discrete.




Contains NA. Not particularly useful for deterministic IPMs, but critical for reproducing stochastic ones.


A list of length 2, with names n_b and n_ht.


The proto_ipm used to implement the model.

Raw demographic data to construct an example IPM


Raw demographic data to construct an example IPM




288 observations of 10 variables


Individual identification number


Surface area in square meters of each individual at time t.


If the plant is reproductive, the number of flowers it made.


Log transformed size.


Either 0 or 1 to indicate whether the plant is reproductive.


Surface area in square meters of each individual at time t + 1.


If the plant is reproductive at t + 1, the number of flowers it made.


Either 0 or 1 to indicate whether a plant at t survives to t + 1.


Log transformed size_next.


Either 0 or 1 to indicate whether a plant is reproductive at t + 1.

Initialize an IPM


This is always the first step in constructing an IPM with ipmr. All you need for this is to know what type of IPM you want to construct - the rest comes later with define_kernel, make_ipm, and associated helper functions. See Details for complete overview of each option.


init_ipm(sim_gen, di_dd, det_stoch, kern_param = NULL, uses_age = FALSE)



Either "simple" or "general".


Either "di" or "dd".


Either "det" or "stoch". If this is "det", then kern_param is ignored. If "stoch", then kern_param must be specified.


If det_stoch = "stoch", then this should be either "kern" or "param".


A logical indicating whether the model has age structure. Default is FALSE


Combinations of simple or general, dd or di, and det or stoch are generated to create 1 of 12 unique IPM classes.

Within stoch model types, there are two additional options: "kern" or "param". These distinguish between models that use kernel resampling vs those that use parameter resampling (sensu Metcalf et al. 2015). Below are quick definitions. More detailed explanations can be found in the vignettes("ipmr-introduction", package = 'ipmr').

  • sim_gen

    • simple: an IPM with a single continuous state variable that does not include any discrete stages. Simple IPMs can still be stochastic and/or density dependent.

    • general: an IPM with more than one continuous state variable and/or a model that includes discrete stages.

  • di_dd

    • dd: used to denote a density dependent IPM.

    • di: used to denote a density independent IPM.

  • det_stoch

    • det: used to denote a deterministic IPM.

    • stoch: used to denote a stochastic IPM. Stochasticity can be implemented in two ways in ipmr: "kern" resampling, and "param" resampling.

  • kern_param - if using det, this should be omitted. If using stoch, then one of the following:

    • kern: used to denote an IPM that uses kernel resampling. Briefly, these models build all of the iteration kernels ahead of time and then choose one at random or in a user-specified order as they move from iteration to iteration. The user-specified population vector is multiplied by the chosen kernel and the result is multiplied by the next kernel for the desired number of iterations.

    • param: used to denote parameter resampling. This samples distributions for each parameter based on user-specified functions supplied to define_env_state(). This will be a bit slower than "kern" resampling because kernels need to be reconstructed from new parameters at every time step.


An object with classes "proto_ipm" and a combination of sim_gen, di_dd, det_stoch, and possibly kern_param. If uses_age = TRUE, then an "age_x_size" class is also added.


Metcalf et al. (2015). Statistical modelling of annual variation for inference on stochastic population dynamics using Integral Projection Models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6: 1007-1017

Convert ipmr matrix to long data frame


Converts IPM kernels into long data frames. These are useful for creating plots using ggplot2.


ipm_to_df(ipm, ...)

## S3 method for class 'array'
ipm_to_df(ipm, ...)

## Default S3 method:
ipm_to_df(ipm, ..., mega_mat, name_ps = NULL, f_forms = NULL)



Output from make_ipm.


Other arguments passed to methods.


A vector with symbols, I's, and/or 0s representing the matrix blocks. They should be specified in ROW MAJOR order! Can also be a character string specifying the call. Parameter set index syntax is supported. When used, format_mega_kernel will produce as many mega-matrices as there are combinations of par_set_indices in the proto_ipm.


The prefix(es) for the kernel name that correspond to survival and growth/maturation of existing individuals. For the model K = P_age + F_age, this would be "P". Only applies to age X size models. The "_age" suffix is appended automatically, so does not need to be supplied.


The names of the kernels that correspond to production of new individuals, and possibly, how they are combined. For example, a model that includes sexual (with an "F" kernel) and asexual reproduction (with a "C" kernel), this would be "F + C". If data come from multiple sites or years, then this information is supplied using the index syntax (i.e. f_forms = "F_yr + C_yr"). Only applies to age X size models. The "_age" index is appended automatically, so does not need to be supplied.


A data frame with 3 columns named "t", "t_1", and "value".



big_mat_df <- ipm_to_df(gen_di_det_ex,
                        mega_mat = c(stay_discrete, go_discrete,
                                     leave_discrete, P))

Check for model convergence to asymptotic dynamics


Checks for convergence to asymptotic dynamics numerically and visually. is_conv_to_asymptotic checks whether lambda[iterations - 1] equals lambda[iterations] within the specified tolerance, tolerance. conv_plot plots the time series of lambda (or log(lambda)). For stochastic models, a cumulative mean of log(lambda) is used to check for convergence.


is_conv_to_asymptotic(ipm, tolerance, burn_in)

## S3 method for class 'ipmr_ipm'
is_conv_to_asymptotic(ipm, tolerance = 1e-06, burn_in = 0.1)

conv_plot(ipm, iterations, log, show_stable, burn_in, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ipmr_ipm'
  iterations = NULL,
  log = NULL,
  show_stable = TRUE,
  burn_in = 0.1,



An object returned by make_ipm().


The tolerance for convergence in lambda or, in the case of stochastic models, the cumulative mean of log(lambda).


The proportion of iterations to discard. Default is 0.1 (i.e. first 10% of iterations in the simulation). Ignored for deterministic models.


The range of iterations to plot lambda for. The default is every iteration.


A logical indicating whether to log transform lambda. This defaults to TRUE for stochastic models and FALSE for deterministic models.


A logical indicating whether or not to draw a line indicating population stability at lambda = 1.


Further arguments to plot.


Plotting can be controlled by passing additional graphing parameters to ....


is_conv_to_asymptotic: Either TRUE or FALSE. conv_plot: codeipm invisibly.



proto <- gen_di_det_ex$proto_ipm %>%
  define_pop_state(n_ht = runif(200),
                   n_b  = 200000)

ipm <- make_ipm(proto)

is_conv_to_asymptotic(ipm, tolerance = 1e-5)

Compute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object


Compute the per-capita growth rate for a given model. Can handle stochastic and deterministic models, and has the option to discard burn in for stochastic models.


lambda(ipm, ...)

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_det_ipm'
lambda(ipm, type_lambda = "last", log = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_stoch_kern_ipm'
lambda(ipm, type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_stoch_param_ipm'
lambda(ipm, type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'general_di_det_ipm'
lambda(ipm, type_lambda = "last", log = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'general_di_stoch_kern_ipm'
lambda(ipm, ..., type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'general_di_stoch_param_ipm'
lambda(ipm, ..., type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'simple_dd_det_ipm'
lambda(ipm, type_lambda = "all", ..., log = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'simple_dd_stoch_kern_ipm'
lambda(ipm, ..., type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'simple_dd_stoch_param_ipm'
lambda(ipm, ..., type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'general_dd_det_ipm'
lambda(ipm, type_lambda = "last", ..., log = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'general_dd_stoch_kern_ipm'
lambda(ipm, ..., type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'general_dd_stoch_param_ipm'
lambda(ipm, ..., type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL)



An object returned by make_ipm().


other arguments passed to methods.


Either 'all', 'last', or 'stochastic'. 'all' returns a vector of lambda values for each time step of the simulation (equal in length to the iterations argument of make_ipm()). 'last' returns the lambda value for the final timestep. 'stochastic' returns a single value, which by default is mean(log(lambda(ipm, type_lambda = "all"))), with the proportion of burn_in iterations removed from the beginning of the simulation. Set log to FALSE to get lambda on the linear scale for stochastic models (i.e. exp(mean(log(lambdas)))).


Return lambda on the log scale? This is TRUE by default for stochastic models, and FALSE for deterministic models.


The proportion of iterations to discard. Default is 0.1 (i.e. first 10% of iterations in the simulation).


When type_lambda = "all", an array. Rows correspond to time steps, and columns correspond to parameter sets (if any). For other types, a numeric vector.

Methods to implement an IPM


The make_ipm.* methods convert a proto_ipm into a set of discretized kernels and population vectors. Methods have different requirements, so be sure to read the parameter documentation. vignette('ipmr-introduction', 'ipmr') a more complete introduction.


  return_main_env = TRUE,
  return_all_envs = FALSE,
  usr_funs = list(),

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_det'
  return_main_env = TRUE,
  return_all_envs = FALSE,
  usr_funs = list(),
  domain_list = NULL,
  iterate = TRUE,
  iterations = 50,
  normalize_pop_size = TRUE,
  iteration_direction = "right"

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_stoch_kern'
  return_main_env = TRUE,
  return_all_envs = FALSE,
  usr_funs = list(),
  domain_list = NULL,
  iterate = TRUE,
  iterations = 50,
  kernel_seq = NULL,
  normalize_pop_size = TRUE,
  report_progress = FALSE,
  iteration_direction = "right"

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_stoch_param'
  return_main_env = TRUE,
  return_all_envs = FALSE,
  usr_funs = list(),
  domain_list = NULL,
  iterate = TRUE,
  iterations = 50,
  kernel_seq = NULL,
  normalize_pop_size = TRUE,
  report_progress = FALSE,
  iteration_direction = "right",
  return_sub_kernels = FALSE

## S3 method for class 'general_di_det'
  return_main_env = TRUE,
  return_all_envs = FALSE,
  usr_funs = list(),
  domain_list = NULL,
  iterate = TRUE,
  iterations = 50,
  normalize_pop_size = TRUE,
  iteration_direction = "right"

## S3 method for class 'general_di_stoch_kern'
  return_main_env = TRUE,
  return_all_envs = FALSE,
  usr_funs = list(),
  domain_list = NULL,
  iterate = TRUE,
  iterations = 50,
  kernel_seq = NULL,
  normalize_pop_size = TRUE,
  report_progress = FALSE,
  iteration_direction = "right"

## S3 method for class 'general_di_stoch_param'
  return_main_env = TRUE,
  return_all_envs = FALSE,
  usr_funs = list(),
  domain_list = NULL,
  iterate = TRUE,
  iterations = 50,
  kernel_seq = NULL,
  normalize_pop_size = TRUE,
  report_progress = FALSE,
  iteration_direction = "right",
  return_sub_kernels = FALSE

## S3 method for class 'simple_dd_det'
  return_main_env = TRUE,
  return_all_envs = FALSE,
  usr_funs = list(),
  domain_list = NULL,
  iterate = TRUE,
  iterations = 50,
  normalize_pop_size = FALSE,
  report_progress = FALSE,
  iteration_direction = "right",
  return_sub_kernels = FALSE

## S3 method for class 'simple_dd_stoch_kern'
  return_main_env = TRUE,
  return_all_envs = FALSE,
  usr_funs = list(),
  domain_list = NULL,
  iterate = TRUE,
  iterations = 50,
  kernel_seq = NA_character_,
  normalize_pop_size = FALSE,
  report_progress = FALSE,
  iteration_direction = "right",
  return_sub_kernels = FALSE

## S3 method for class 'simple_dd_stoch_param'
  return_main_env = TRUE,
  return_all_envs = FALSE,
  usr_funs = list(),
  domain_list = NULL,
  iterate = TRUE,
  iterations = 50,
  kernel_seq = NA_character_,
  normalize_pop_size = FALSE,
  report_progress = FALSE,
  iteration_direction = "right",
  return_sub_kernels = FALSE

## S3 method for class 'general_dd_det'
  return_main_env = TRUE,
  return_all_envs = FALSE,
  usr_funs = list(),
  domain_list = NULL,
  iterate = TRUE,
  iterations = 50,
  normalize_pop_size = FALSE,
  report_progress = FALSE,
  iteration_direction = "right",
  return_sub_kernels = FALSE

## S3 method for class 'general_dd_stoch_kern'
  return_main_env = TRUE,
  return_all_envs = FALSE,
  usr_funs = list(),
  domain_list = NULL,
  iterate = TRUE,
  iterations = 50,
  kernel_seq = NA_character_,
  normalize_pop_size = FALSE,
  report_progress = FALSE,
  iteration_direction = "right",
  return_sub_kernels = FALSE

## S3 method for class 'general_dd_stoch_param'
  return_main_env = TRUE,
  return_all_envs = FALSE,
  usr_funs = list(),
  domain_list = NULL,
  iterate = TRUE,
  iterations = 50,
  kernel_seq = NA_character_,
  normalize_pop_size = FALSE,
  report_progress = FALSE,
  iteration_direction = "right",
  return_sub_kernels = FALSE



A proto_ipm. This should be the output of define_kernel, or the define_* functions.


A logical indicating whether to return the main environment for the model. This environment contains the integration mesh, weights, and other potentially useful variables for subsequent analyses. Default is TRUE.


A logical indicating whether to return the environments that the kernel expressions are evaluated in. These may be useful for some analyses, such as regression-level sensitivity/elasticity analyses, but can also rapidly increase memory consumption for models with many kernels (e.g. ones with parameter set indices that have many levels, or any *_stoch_param model). Default is FALSE.


An optional list of user-specified functions that are passed on to the model building process. This can help make vital rate expressions more concise and expressive. Names in this list should exactly match the names of the function calls in the ... or formula.


Other arguments passed to methods.


An optional list of new domain information to implement the IPM with.


A logical indicating whether or not iterate the model before exiting or just return the sub-kernels. Only applies to density-independent, deterministic models and density-independent, stochastic kernel re-sampled models.


If iterate is TRUE, then the number of iterations to run the model for.


A logical indicating whether to re-scale the population vector to sum to 1 before each iteration. Default is TRUE for *_di_* methods and FALSE for *_dd_* methods.


Either "right" (default) or "left". This controls the direction of projection. Right iteration will generate the right eigenvector (if it exists), while left iteration generates the left eigenvector. These correspond to the stable trait distributions, and reproductive values, respectively. This parameter is mostly used internally by other functions. Use with care.


For *_stoch_kern methods, the sequence of kernels to use during the simulation process. It should have the same number of entries as the number of iterations. This should be a vector containing values of the parameter set indices specified in par_set_indices, or empty. Support for Markov chains will eventually get implemented. If it is empty, make_ipm will try to generate a sequence internally using a random selection of the par_set_indices defined in define_kernel.


A logical indicating whether or not to periodically report progress for a stochastic simulation. Does not apply to deterministic methods. Default is FALSE.


Only applies to density dependent and parameter resampled models. If TRUE, then all sub-kernels will be returned. These are required for some analyses, but a large number of iterations will take up lots of RAM. Default is FALSE.


The make_ipm.* methods will always return a list of length 5 containing the following components:

  • sub_kernels: a list of arrays specified in define_kernel.

  • env_list: a list containing the evaluation environments of kernel. This will contain the main_env object if return_main_env = TRUE. It will also contain the sub-kernels evaluation environments if return_all_envs = TRUE.

  • env_seq: a character vector with length iterations of kernel indices indicating the order in which kernels are to be/were resampled OR a matrix with as many columns as stochastic parameters and n_iterations rows.

  • pop_state: population vectors stored as a list of arrays. The first dimension of each array corresponds to the state variable distribution, and the second dimension corresponds to time steps.

  • proto_ipm: the proto_ipm object used to implement the model.

In addition to the list class, each object will have a class comprised of the arguments from init_ipm plus 'ipm' pasted together with underscores. This is to facilitate print, plot, and lambda methods. For example, a init_ipm("general", "di", "det") model will have the class 'general_di_det_ipm' once it has been implemented using make_ipm.

Generate an RMarkdown file with IPM metadata


Generates a .rmd file containing a mathematical description of the proto_ipm object.


  rmd_dest = getwd(),
  title = "",
  output_format = "html",
  render_output = FALSE,
  block_eqs = TRUE,
  long_eq_length = 65

## Default S3 method:
  rmd_dest = getwd(),
  title = "",
  output_format = "html",
  render_output = FALSE,
  block_eqs = TRUE,
  long_eq_length = 65

## S3 method for class 'ipmr_ipm'
  rmd_dest = getwd(),
  title = "",
  output_format = "html",
  render_output = FALSE,
  block_eqs = TRUE,
  long_eq_length = 65

make_ipm_report_body(proto_ipm, block_eqs, rmd_dest, long_eq_length)



A proto_ipm or output from make_ipm().


The folder to save the Rmd file at. The default is getwd(). Alternatively, can be a complete file path that specifies the location and title of the document with the extension ".rmd". in this case, the current date will be appended to the title.


The title to include in the document. This is not necessarily the same as rmd_dest, as this appears at the top of the generated report, and is not included in the file path!


The format to include in the YAML header for the created .rmd document.


A logical indicating whether to call rmarkdown::render on the generated .rmd file. Often times, the .rmd file will need further editing before it's useful, so the default is FALSE.


A logical. If TRUE, all equations will be inserted with blocks and numbered using tag{}. If FALSE, equations will be rendered as inline equations on a single line, and numbered as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (iteration expressions), 2.1, 2.2 (vital rate expressions), etc.


For longer equations, make_ipm_report tries to wrap these into multiple lines using \\. This parameter controls the number of characters per line. Default is 65. Ignored when block_eqs = FALSE.


A proto_ipm object. Only used for make_ipm_report_body.


make_ipm_report_body only translates the iteration expressions and vital rate expressions into Markdown with LaTeX, and does not produce any headers needed to knit the file. This function is exported mostly for re-usage in pdb_report, and isn't really intended for use by ipmr users.


For make_ipm_report, the filepath to the .rmd file. The default name is "ipmr_report_<current_date>.rmd". For make_ipm_report_body, a character vector with Markdown and LaTeX suitable for rendering, but without a header.


For iteration expressions, vital rate expressions, and parameter names, make_ipm_report first translates all values in the data_list to beta_X. For example, s = surv_int + surv_slope * z_1 is translated into beta_0 + beta_1 * z_1, and then is translated into LaTeX equations. Since everything is call beta_X, a glossary is provided at the end of each report that matches betas to their names in the data_list.

Mean kernels for stochastic models


This function computes mean sub-kernels for stochastic parameter re-sampled and stochastic kernel re-sampled models.





A stochastic model created by make_ipm().


For *_stoch_kern models, this computes the element-wise mean for each sub-kernel across all the different levels of par_set_indices. For models where not all sub-kernels contain parameter set indices, sub-kernels that do not have varying parameters are included in the output and are identical to their input.

For *_stoch_param models, this computes the element-wise mean for each sub-kernel created by the iteration procedure.


A list of mean sub-kernels for the model.

A proto_ipm for a monocarpic perennial


A proto_ipm for a monocarpic perennial




A proto_ipm for a simple IPM of Oenothera glazioviana. The parameters are from Ellner, Childs, & Rees (2016), Chapter 2, and the data are from Kachi & Hirose (1985). Parameter values can be accessed with parameters(monocarp_proto), vital rate expressions can be accessed with vital_rate_exprs(monocarp_proto), etc.


Kachi, H., & Hirose, T. (1985). Population dynamics of _Oenothera glazioviana_ in a sand-dune system with special reference to the adaptive significance of size-dependent reproduction. Journal of Ecology 73: 887-901.

Ellner, S.P., Childs, D.Z., Rees, M. (2016) Data-driven modelling of structured populations: a practical guide to the integral projection model. Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG

Plot a matrix or an *_ipm object


Plot a matrix or an *_ipm object


## S3 method for class 'ipmr_matrix'
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  col = grDevices::rainbow(100, start = 0.67, end = 0),
  bw = FALSE,
  do_contour = FALSE,
  do_legend = FALSE,
  contour_cex = 1,

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_det_ipm'
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ipm = NULL,
  col = rainbow(100, start = 0.67, end = 0),
  bw = FALSE,
  do_contour = FALSE,
  do_legend = FALSE,
  exponent = 1,
  n_row = 1,
  n_col = 1,

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_stoch_param_ipm'
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ipm = NULL,
  col = rainbow(100, start = 0.67, end = 0),
  bw = FALSE,
  do_contour = FALSE,
  do_legend = FALSE,
  exponent = 1,
  n_row = 1,
  n_col = 1,

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_stoch_kern_ipm'
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ipm = NULL,
  col = rainbow(100, start = 0.67, end = 0),
  bw = FALSE,
  do_contour = FALSE,
  do_legend = FALSE,
  exponent = 1,
  n_row = 1,
  n_col = 1,

## S3 method for class 'general_di_det_ipm'
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ipm = NULL,
  mega_mat = NA_character_,
  col = rainbow(100, start = 0.67, end = 0),
  bw = FALSE,
  do_contour = FALSE,
  do_legend = FALSE,
  exponent = 1,
  n_row = 1,
  n_col = 1,


x, y

Either the values of the meshpoints or NULL. If NULL, then a sequence is generated so that meshpoints are given sequential bin numbers.

A, ipm

A matrix or a result from make_ipm, or NULL if x is specified as the matrix or IPM object.


A vector of colors to use for plotting


A logical indicating whether to use a greyscale palette for plotting


A logical indicating whether or not draw contour lines on the plot


A logical indicating whether to draw a legend for the plot


A numeric specifying how large to make labels for the contour lines.


further arguments passed to legend


The exponent to raise each kernel to. Setting this to a low number can help visualize kernels that are overwhelmed by a few very large numbers.

n_row, n_col

If plotting multiple (sub-)kernels, how many rows and columns to arrange them in.


A vector with symbols, I's, and/or 0s representing the matrix blocks. They should be specified in ROW MAJOR order! Can also be a character string specifying the call. Parameter set index syntax is supported. When used, format_mega_kernel will produce as many mega-matrices as there are combinations of par_set_indices in the proto_ipm.


If an IPM kernel is overwhelmed by information in say, a fecundity sub-kernel, use the exponent argument in plot.*_ipm to make it more visually appealing.


A or ipm invisibly

Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration


Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration


right_ev(ipm, ...)

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_det_ipm'
right_ev(ipm, iterations = 100, tolerance = 1e-10, ...)

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_stoch_kern_ipm'
right_ev(ipm, burn_in = 0.25, ...)

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_stoch_param_ipm'
right_ev(ipm, burn_in = 0.25, ...)

## S3 method for class 'general_di_det_ipm'
right_ev(ipm, iterations = 100, tolerance = 1e-10, ...)

## S3 method for class 'general_di_stoch_kern_ipm'
right_ev(ipm, burn_in = 0.25, ...)

## S3 method for class 'general_di_stoch_param_ipm'
right_ev(ipm, burn_in = 0.25, ...)

left_ev(ipm, ...)

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_det_ipm'
left_ev(ipm, iterations = 100, tolerance = 1e-10, ...)

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_stoch_kern_ipm'
left_ev(ipm, iterations = 10000, burn_in = 0.25, kernel_seq = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'general_di_det_ipm'
left_ev(ipm, iterations = 100, tolerance = 1e-10, ...)

## S3 method for class 'general_di_stoch_kern_ipm'
left_ev(ipm, iterations = 10000, burn_in = 0.25, kernel_seq = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'general_di_stoch_param_ipm'
left_ev(ipm, iterations = 10000, burn_in = 0.25, kernel_seq = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'simple_di_stoch_param_ipm'
left_ev(ipm, iterations = 10000, burn_in = 0.25, kernel_seq = NULL, ...)



Output from make_ipm().


Other arguments passed to methods


The number of times to iterate the model to reach convergence. Default is 100.


Tolerance to evaluate convergence to asymptotic dynamics.


The proportion of early iterations to discard from the stochastic simulation


The sequece of parameter set indices used to select kernels during the iteration procedure. If NULL, will use the sequence stored in the ipm object. Should usually be left as NULL.


A list of named numeric vector(s) corresponding to the stable trait distribution function (right_ev) or the reproductive values for each trait (left_ev).

Deterministic eigenvectors

For right_ev, if the model has already been iterated and has converged to asymptotic dynamics, then it will just extract the final population state and return that in a named list. Each element of the list is a vector with length >= 1 and corresponds each state variable's portion of the eigenvector. If the model has been iterated, but has not yet converged to asymptotic dynamics, right_ev will try to iterate it further using the final population state as the starting point. The default number of iterations is 100, and can be adjusted using the iterations argument. If the model hasn't been iterated, then right_ev will try iterating it for iterations number of time steps and check for convergence. In the latter two cases, if the model still has not converged to asymptotic dynamics, it will return NA with a warning.

For left_ev, the transpose iteration (sensu Ellner & Rees 2006, Appendix A) is worked out based on the state_start and state_end in the model's proto_ipm object. The model is then iterated for iterations times to produce a standardized left eigenvector.

Stochastic eigenvectors

left_ev and right_ev return different things for stochastic models. right_ev returns the trait distribution through time from the stochastic simulation (i.e. ipm$pop_state), and normalizes it such that the distribution at each time step integrates to 1 (if it is not already). It then discards the first burn_in * iterations time steps of the simulation to eliminate transient dynamics. See Ellner, Childs, & Rees 2016, Chapter 7.5 for more details.

left_ev returns a similar result as right_ev, except the trait distributions are the result of left multiplying the kernel and trait distribution. See Ellner, Childs, & Rees 2016, Chapter 7.5 for more details.

Right/left multiplication


Performs right and left multiplication.


right_mult(kernel, vectr, family = NULL, start_end = NULL)

left_mult(kernel, vectr)


kernel, vectr

kernel should be a bivariate kernel, vectr should be a univariate trait distribution.

family, start_end

Used internally, do not touch.


left_mult returns t(kernel) %*% vectr. right_mult returns kernel %*% vectr.

Simple deterministic IPM example


Simple deterministic IPM example




A simple deterministic IPM with the following slots:


The computed sub-kernels, named P and F.








The proto_ipm object used to implement the model.

Eviction correction


Various helpers to correct for unintentional eviction (Williams et al. 2012).


truncated_distributions(fun, target, ...)

discrete_extrema(target, state, ncol = NULL, nrow = NULL)



The density function to use. For example, could be "norm" to correct a Gaussian density function, or "lnorm" to correct a log-normal density function.


The parameter/vital rate being modified. If this is a vector, the distribution specified in fun will be recycled.


Used internally, do not touch!


The state variable used in the kernel that is being discretized.

ncol, nrow

The number of rows or column that the final form of the iteration matrix should have. This is only necessary for rectangular kernels with class "CC". make_ipm works out the correct dimensions for "DC" and "CD" kernels internally.


For truncated_distributions, a modified function call with that truncates the probability density function based on the cumulative density function.

For discrete_extrema, a numeric vector with modified entries based on the discretization process.


Neither of these functions are intended for use outside of define_kernel, as they rely on internally generated variables to work inside of make_ipm.


Williams JL, Miller TEX & Ellner SP, (2012). Avoiding unintentional eviction from integral projection models.Ecology 93(9): 2008-2014.

Predict methods in ipmr


This function is used when a predict method is incorporated into the vital rate expressions of a kernel. Generally, ipmr can handle this without any additional user effort, but some model classes will fail (often with an obscure error message). When this happens, use_vr_model can ensure that model object is correctly represented in the data_list.





A fitted model object representing a vital rate. Primarily used to avoid writing the mathematical expression for a vital rate, and using a predict() method instead.


ipmr usually recognizes model objects passed into the data_list argument automatically. Unfortunately, sometimes it'll miss one, and the user will need to manually protect it from the standard build process. This function provides a wrapper around that process. Additionally, please file a bug report here: describing what type of model you are trying to use so it can be added to later versions of the package.

Wrap a model object in use_vr_model when building the data_list to pass to define_kernel.


A model object with a "flat_protect" attribute.



grow_mod <- lm(log_size_next ~ log_size, data = iceplant_ex)
surv_mod <- glm(survival ~ log_size, data = iceplant_ex, family = binomial())

data_list <- list(
  grow_mod = use_vr_model(grow_mod),
  surv_mod = use_vr_model(surv_mod),
  recruit_mean = 20,
  recruit_sd   = 5